The e-zwich smart cardholder allows the customer to perform electronic transactions at any e-zwich Point of Sale (POS) terminal or ATM that is gh-link. The e-zwich smart cardholder can access banking services at any bank throughout Ghana irrespective of whether that bank issued that smartcard or not.
- Highly secured; because of the fingerprint biometric identification
- Accepted by all banks and easy to use.
- Funds on savings wallet of the card accrue interest over a period.
- Cardholders are able to move funds to and from regular account at Sefwiman Rural Bank Limited.
- A 24/7 Access to payment points and POS terminals at numerous locations like supermarkets, filling stations, hotels etc

E-Zwich payment distribution system (PDS)
This is an electronic payment system which facilitates secure and convenient distribution of SALARY, WAGE, or PENSIONs. This product is especially suited for employers who currently pay cash to their unbanked staff. Agreed salaries or wages can be loaded by the employer at his convenience even on the premises of his business without moving all the way to the bank.
- Fast and Convenient – salaries can be loaded anywhere the recipient may be in Ghana
- Highly secured; because of the fingerprint biometric identification
- Accepted by all banks and easy to use.
- SMEs can process a large salary payments at a go.
- A 24/7 Access to payment points and POS terminals at numerous locations like supermarkets, filling stations, hotels etc.

This is an electronic payment system which facilitates secure and convenient distribution of SALARY, WAGE, or PENSIONS. This product is especially suited for employers who currently pay cash to their unbanked staff. Agreed salaries or wages can be loaded by the employer at his convenience even on the premises of his business without moving all the way to the bank.
- Monitor account activities without difficulty
- Service allows customer to monitor account wherever you are